'' A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, smile often, 
dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are ''

senyummmm tak perlu kata apa apa XD 


Today is Saturday. yaaa hellooooo dear Saturday harini ada hindustan kayy. Jangan lupa tengok jam dua tengah hari nanti (: Ehh ni dah lebih jam dua dah ni. Haaa kay. Boleh tengok sekarang. Tapi lagi bagus baca post yang tak penting ni dulu sebelum tengok hindustan tuh kay? Hihii. Hermm tanpa kita semua sedari, harini dah masuk hari yang ke lima belas kita semua bercuti dok leklekk jeh kat rumah ke enjoy kat Malaysia Paris NewYork London ke kan. Err itu semua bagi pelajar sekolah yang bertuah je lah ea. Yang tak bertuah tuh mungkin kurang bernasib baik kot. So sad.... kay takpe. Boleh cuba lain kali (: Oh shekk lagi sehari hari jeh cuti then dah kena sekolah balik? Arghhh matilah aku matilahhh........

ada nampak macam muka nak mati tak  :|

Kayy nak bukak tiga hari yang lepas punya cerita. Itu lah satu satunya hari yang aku ada mood nak keluar setelah banyak pelawaan dari sahabat sahabat tersayang yang aku tolak. Hoho dah macam artis dah nak reject reject bagai. hokhokk. Alaa aku bukannya apa.. Kalau dulu yelah kot mungkin hari hari nak keluar. Ehh? takde lah hari hari == Tapi kalau sekarang ni nak keluar rumah tu rasanya alaahaai macam berat jeh kaki ni nak melangkah keluar rumah. Macam dah takde feel nak keluar hang dengan kengkawan. Yaaa so sad...

Kalau keluar pun alaa setakat balik kampung jeh kot. Setakat ni tak berpeluang lagi nak pi jalan jejauh atas sebab kesibukan ibu bapa yang terlampau tapi takde lah melampau sangat. Hurmm dalam suam suam suku jeh. Hihii. 

Bila balik kampung mesti balik dengan budak kecik tuh dengan kakak saudara yang kononnya kembar aku tuh. Hermm ada nampak macam kembar ke kitorang ni? Haha. Beza umur kitorang setahun jeh. Dia enam belas tahun, aku lima belas tahun. Lepastu dah lah rumah kitorang ni dekat jeh. Lima minit jeh dah sampai. Sekolah pun dah lah sama. Haishh memang berjodoh lah kitorang ni kan kann. 

Biasanya kalau balik kampung mesti kena bangun awal ): Lepastu kan, mesti rasa bosan gila sebab tak tahu nak buat apa. Yaaa sejujur jujurnya aku ni bukanlah seorang anak dara yang terlampau rajin. Kalau setakat tengok orang masak, rasa masakan yang dimasak, tolong basuh tolong sidai kain, basuh pinggan mangkuk periuk kuali, mandikan adik saudara, tolong belikan barang kat kedai, sapu sapu lantai sikit ke hape haaaa boleh lah. Lepastu kalau nak suruh pi merayap naik motor pun boleh (: hihii. Tapi kat kampung je lah kot aku berani bawak motor. Kalau kat area rumah aku tuh, hermm hermmmmm kejap aku fikir dulu. Err tolong bagi aku masa setahun boleh tak nak fikir? tedddd

Wei wei weii weiiii apa ni wei. Kata nak cerita pasal tiga hari yang lepas punya cerita. Ni asal tetiba bukak cerita kampung pulak ni? Yahadoiii ==


Rabu, 6 Jun 2012. Dah pakat dengan sahabat sahabat sekelas yang berkenaan nak breakfast sesama sambil bincang pasal folio seni kat mac'd. Err ikut group masing masing lah kan. Bincang pasal folio Sejarah dengan Geografi juga (: Tapi kecewa sebab Jajar tak datang ! Tak dapat datang atas sebab sebab yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. Kitorang dapat bincang sikit jeh ): Yang selebihnya madah borak borak sembang sembang kosong jeh dengan Anyah, Fath. Ehh tapi takde lah kosong. Best lah kot. Dah lama aku tak gelak cenggitu. HAHAHA

perbezaan ketinggian yang sangat ketara ==

Oh yaaa. Terserempak dengan bekas senior merangkap PA aku kat mac'd tuh. Masatu dia baru lepas pi check doktor kat hospital sebelah mac'd ni. Kesian PA aku ni demam, batuk. Ish ishh ishhh. Moga cepat sembuh yaa PA (':

Kayy lepas dah habis bincang dah habis borak tuh semua kitorang pun stay lah rumah Fath sat. Nak baring baring atas katil dia. Lepastu mulalah nak bercerita hentah pape jeh. Tapi kan aku rasa aku lah yang paling banyak bercerita sampai gelak tak ingat dunia. Kuat pulak tuh. Opsss :| 

Tengah hari mama Fath hantar kitorang pi IOI Shopping Mall. Nak nengok Senowww Waitee. Best sangat sangat ! Tak sangka yang jadi snow white tuh Bella dalam cerita Twilight. Kayy tak sabar nak tengok Twilight Part Two ): Ohh November cepatlah muncul cepat lahhhh

Kristen Stewart hidup semula dalam Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn

Kristen Stewart hidup semula dalam Snow White and The Huntsman


Upcoming Post : 

'' Keep Calm and Carry On ''

style lipat tudung terbaru akibat terpengaruh dengan pelajar indonesia (:

---> There is just one life to live, and there is no time to waste.

Enjor your Saturday and Sunday wisely (:
- Nur Fatin Amira Kasran


'' nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the single person you thought would never hurt you ''


Time go more faster than we thought. Rasanya macam baru semalam je kami habis menjawab soalan peperiksaan pertengahan tahun bagi tahun ini. Rasanya macam baru semalam je kami semua bersorak keriangan setelah peperiksaan pertengahan tahun tamat. Rasanya macam baru semalam je balik dari sekolah dengan senang hati sebab peperiksaan pertengahan tahun dah selesai. Semuanya rasa macam semalam je perkara yang menggembirakan tu berlaku. Ehh, kejap. Gembira ke? Yaaaa mungkin gembira (': dan mungkin juga sedih )': Perasaan dalam diri ini berbelah bahagi tak tahu mana nak pilih samada gembira atau sedih :|

But, the hurt memory still fresh in my mind. The one thing. The bitter thing. The most hated thing that i don't want to remember at all. Those feeling make myself to hate you so much. Hate you more than i hate the things that i hate. Do you understand? Do you got it? Haaa what? No? Not at all? Hermm it's okay dear. I don't care (:

This is the first time i cried a lot towards the people that i love. Oopss, sorry. This is the first time i cried a lot towards the lucky man that i loved so much before. Yeahh i'm still wondering why till now i'm still remember every single about that lucky man. Hurmm, actually i'm still remember the things that the lucky man had done to me. It's not the nice thing. But, it's the BAD thing. OMG why i'm typing  'BAD' with caps lock? Errr, don't know. Ask my finger if you want to know. LOL *lots of love kayy

Every single month, every single week, every single day, every single hour, every single minute, every single second, i'll TRY, TRY and TRY my best to forget you. Haaaa you know what, i'm managed to do that kayy. Oyeahh oyeahh. What? You said i'm a liar? Ohh shekk. You're wrong my dear. I'm not a liar. I tell you the truth. I'm not weak like before. Now, i'm strong enough to face all this thing. You want to know why i'm strong enough than before? Hermm it's easy. It just because i always tell myself to be more stonger and more powerful than before. Hohoooo i'm the SuperStrongerGirl !!! Err, but not the SuperSpontan kayy. auchakkkkkk ! haha JK *just kidding* je sayang (:

The sadness taught me what happiness never could. The tears gave me the energy that i need to stay happy. Ehh? kayy acceptable :b The more the tears streaming down, the more the happier i am. Wowww :o it's cool right? Yepp it's totally coooooooooool ^_^

Sometimes i am so emotional. Sometimes i am so mad. I am so mad at everything. I am so mad at everyone. Hohh, how dangerous it is. Luckily i'm save from that danger. Fuhh fuhhhh. Thank God (': I am still alive (: My future husband, don't worry about me kayy? One day, we will get marry. Get marry ASAP *as fast as possible* No need to worry honey :*

Oh my dear DH a.k.a *as known as* my dear ex-special beloved lovely boyfriend, can you please do me some favour? Please sayang? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee )': 

Number One
Please do not block me in the sosial networking. Neither in facebook nor twitter. Oh please don't. But, if you want to unfriend me or unfollowing me, you can do it dear. Don't worry, i will not kill you. 

Number Two
Can you please don't hate me as much as i hate you? Can you? Yeahhh i know. Although i am the SuperStrongerGirl, i should not to hate you as much as i want. Ehhh, what the relation with that? Hahaa just accept it lah ea.

Number Three
I need another one month to accept you as my friend. As my truly friend. Hurmm, maybe now i think you are my enemy. Good enemy but not bad enemy (:

Number Four
Don't ask me to do something that i don't want. Don't force me. Example like a day ago. You ask me to see you at somewhere right? And i said i don't want right? Then you said you will wait there till i come right? And i said up to you right? Oh goshh how many right ni ==' Haaa kay. Then you said 'JAHAT'. You said jahat because i did not come there to see you. Oh, damn. Is that my fault? What? My fault? Hurmm kayy !

Number Five
Stop texting and calling my number. Yaaa i know not always you do that. Just please, don't do that. You know what, everytime you call or text me, i feel like i want to throw my phone away. I ask you to do that because i want to save my phone's live from the victim of circumstances. It's a good idea right? Yayy i'm brilliant :b

Number Six
Forgive me for everything. I seek a forgiveness from you. Sincerely from my heart, please forgive me for everything that i had done to you.

Dear DH, i am sorry.

Self - Destructive Behaviour

Have you ever read something that killed you inside? Like a text or message or someone's status or someone's tweet. Everything was going fine until you accidentally came across something you didn't want to read or found out something you were better off not knowing. It's almost as if it was posted just to purposely hurt you. But you constantly read it over and over again to torture yourself. It sucks how one little thing can ruin your whole day.


Everything gonna be okay. Insya'Allah (':

I believe good things happen everyday. I believe good things happen even when bad things happen. And i believe on a happy day like today, we can still feel a little sad. And that's life, isn't it?

-Yes, it is.

Lots of love,
Nur Fatin Amira Kasran